Local Rehabs has been matching patients to drug rehabs and alcohol detox clinics for over 10 years. We support you and help you choose what rehab program will be best for your long term recovery. Local Rehabs is staffed by people that have been through addictions and have experienced mental health problems in the past so we get it. We understand and we care.
Some of the addictions we treat
Since the inception of Local Rehabs by the owner who was close to people who used and siffered through some drug problems, we have helped hundreds of people find the right treatments.
Every day we work to expand Local Rehabs by adding not just more countrys and citys to make it the most comprehensive drug and alcohol rehabilitation website but we also localte new places to help connect patients with providers.
All it takes is one quick phone call to one of our advisors and we can normally find somewhere within your budget and time frame for treatment.
Quite possibly one of the biggest factors in addiction and the subsequent long process of detox and rehabiliation is working with the entire family of a patient.
A common theme when treating people for addiction is that their family just does not understand what the patient is going through and if they have never been an addict they never could.
Sometimes we speak to people who are calling about their loved ones and they say they are quite `hard` with the person they are trying to help and this of course just doesnt work.
If someone has been suffering from for example a Cocaine Addiction for the last 8 years they have maybe taken cocaine every day for the last 3 years so over 8 years of addiction they have had 2000+ days where they had cocaine in their system.
30 days drug rehab can get the drugs out of their system to be replaced by very tightly monitored prescription medication but its only the very beginning. The long term treatment and the support of the family unit is one of the very most important things.
When you take away a substance that has been supressing emotions there is normally many different side effects that anyone who hasnt tried to quit drugs or alcohol could never imagine to comprehend.
Small things that would not normally bother a person can become an intense crisis to a person in recovery.
A door that is left open, a drink that is too cold or warm, a person not getting enough attention or is getting too much attention can create problems for the patient. This is when the family unit needs to keep very quiet and just accept many of the cards that are dealt to them because they are not dealing with a person in a normal state of mind.
We are completely independent so we can offer impartial advice without any bias.
Due to our unique position we can give you the truth about clinics local to you.
We do have our own clinic in the Europe so we have our own Pschiatrists and Psychologists on staff
Continue »After 10 years and thousands of treatments completed we are considered as very experienced and knowledgeable.
Continue »We take lots of insurance companys, cash payments or we can work out a payment plan.
Rehabs That Take Insurance »